An Interview with Professor Amy Quarton

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“Maryville is student-centered. We’re truly focused on the students. We’re not worried about publications.”


Maryville University has always been different from other schools. In fact, we’ve been challenging the status quo in education for nearly 150 years. But what is it that makes us unique?

We sat down with Amy Quarton, an associate professor in our BA in Organizational Leadership and our MA in Management and Leadership programs, to get her take on why Maryville and our online programs stand out.

She says it all starts with our faculty’s dedication to our students and their success.

“I am available 24/7,” Professor Quarton says. “I have my phone on me all the time, because I have to be available to my online students all the time … Being available to our students is important to me.”

At Maryville, our student-centric approach drives everything we do. And that starts with a faculty who understand the student perspective ― professors who are committed not to their careers but to their students’ education. This is part of what drew Professor Quarton to Maryville.

“A traditional university is research-centered ― many of those professors earn high salaries to publish, to research. They don’t even step inside the class,” she said. “Our faculty aren’t afraid of doing things differently. That’s why I’m here. That’s why I stay here: because I have that freedom. I want to do things differently.”

We’re not just focused on your degree. We’re focused on your success ― in the classroom and well beyond.

Check out the full interview with Professor Quarton below: 

How do you support your online students? 

Professor Quarton: I am available 24/7. I have my phone on me all the time, because I have to be available to my online students all the time. And it’s not always about content. Many times it’s about other things ― something’s not working. And they need information right away. So, being available to our students is important to me.

Also, I try to get to know every one of my students. I’ve heard from friends who have been through other online programs that the professor rarely reaches out. I do my best to really communicate with my students ― get to know them, give them feedback on every single thing they’ve sent to me. You have to be fully present in an online environment, even more so than an on-campus class.

How do you ensure your online courses are academically equal to the offerings on campus?

Professor Quarton: I design them just as I would design an on-campus class ― with the same amount of work. There’s this delicate balance between making it challenging but not overwhelming, because they’re usually trying to complete the work while juggling a job and family life. But I still have to make sure they’re learning the material and getting the most they can from the class.

Maryville prides itself on being brave. In what way do you think the students and faculty here are brave?

Professor Quarton: Maryville is student-centered. We’re truly focused on the students. We’re not worried about publications. We want our students to succeed. So, I guess the students’ bravery is about wanting something different ― like wanting to take that risk to change their life.

A traditional university is research-centered ― many of those professors earn high salaries to publish, to research. They don’t even step inside the class. Our faculty aren’t afraid of doing things differently. That’s why I’m here. That’s why I stay here: because I have that freedom. I want to do things differently.