Online EdD Student Experience
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Chris Gearin: Thinking about a Doctorate for a long time and looking for a program that would fit into my needs, my schedule. As an administrator, I’m pretty busy. I finally found this and it’s just been a perfect match. I was very impressed by the faculty that I met first off. The program’s design, I know what trips up a lot of doctoral students is the once they finish the coursework then the dissertation work begins. In this program, you’re doing it concurrently, so I think that solves one of the biggest problems in doctoral programs.
Kelnita Pierson: When I looked at the program, I looked at the coursework, I looked at the structure of the program and I compared it to other programs and this by far was the best for me.
Jill Lane: I stalled for a while shopping around programs. Then I landed on Maryville and everything I read about the program and everything I learned, I was like, this is exactly what I want and what I need.
Dobbie Herrion: I started at another institution which was a PhD program, didn’t quite fit kind of my lifestyle and kind of where I was in life and when I learned about Maryville’s cohort model, the fact that it was a shorter program, but more focused and more intense, it’s been the best educational experience of my life.
Jill Lane: I had you know, over 20 years of work experience. What do I need to learn and I entered in the program and I’m like oh my gosh, I have so much to learn.
Chris Gearin: They help guide you through the process. That’s been very rewarding. They help keep you on track, give you direction.
Kelnita Pierson: I wouldn’t have to stop working to do the program. I could kind of work and do the program and apply what I was learning as I worked.
Chris Gearin: Convenience in structure and schedule that just worked with what I do everyday.
Kelnita Pierson: Their whole dissertation process was built into the coursework and it was a lot, but it was very manageable and there was so much support.
Chris Gearin: I mean it’s definitely more enriching. You’re in classes with people that are administrators. It enriches the experience and then you come out of the class excited and the very next day, you’re applying it at work so I’ve definitely felt reinvigorated for, with my career.
Dobbie Herrion: Every step of the way from chapter one to chapter five, they’ve been there.
Kelnita Pierson: Discussion boards in Maryville are no joke. You will learn, you will engage, you will you know, share knowledge, exchange ideas. It is real.
Dobbie Herrion: The work is real, the work is intense, but the faculty support in my opinion is second to none. I know a lot of people who’ve gone through programs. When I talk about what our faculty do for us, they say wow I wish I had that experience.
Kelnita Pierson: This program is structured in a way that you’re gonna succeed.
Chris Gearin: I feel very well-prepared for the future in my career.
Dobbie Herrion: I tell everybody, I love, I love this program because it’s such a worthwhile journey, especially if you’re gonna stay at higher education and you want to do this and it’s necessary for what you want to do. Everyone doesn’t need a doctorate, but if you’re gonna get one, get one from here. The level of support they give you, you can, anyone, yes anyone can get through this. Anyone can get through this.
Kelnita Pierson: I will never forget this experience. This has just been an amazing journey. Like I’ve transformed as a person and the way I feel about my abilities as a leader have just completely elevated since I’ve been in this program.
Jill Lane: I think Maryville’s figured out how to do quality online education where they create genuine deep learning communities.
Chris Gearin: I think I’ve just expanded my world though. I think what used to be just within the four walls of my college was what I looked at and what I had to do. So now when I’ve been busy since I’ve been in this program is expanding that world so I’m out and meeting other college presidents. We have meetings all the time now. So I’m out into higher education right across the board. We were talking about things, we were writing articles together and so my world has expanded and it’s due to this program.
Jill Lane: I came in wondering is this gonna be just jumping through hoops and I’m leaving the program two and a half years later saying wow, this was, I am a different person than I was when I started this program and I’m better at my job because of it.