Common Courses for a BS in Finance
Finance courses usually cover the following:
Business Communications. Effective communication, whether oral or written, is essential in today’s business world. This course is designed to enhance the quality of one’s communication skills. Students are given the opportunity to develop their ability to express themselves effectively through various communication channels.
Financial Accounting. A financial accounting course enables students to acquire a working knowledge of basic accounting theory and concepts, and gain an understanding of how business events affect financial statements. Course topics include the role of financial accounting in decision-making and the recording procedures that accountants use to organize information for financial statement preparation. Students may also learn to use analytical tools and accounting principles to assist them in the reading and interpretation of financial statements.
Principles of Finance. In this course, students have the opportunity to examine basic financial management of business enterprises. Course topics include procurement, allocation, control of funds, corporate financial behavior, financial instruments, and markets, as well as the analysis and interpretation of investment and profit performance.
Principles of Management. This course examines the basic theories and concepts of management. Topics include the evolution of management, ethics, decision-making, organizational structure, motivation, communication, group dynamics and team building, planning, job design, leadership, and organizational change.
Financial Institutions. A foundation course that examines the functions, practices, and challenges of the major types of financial institutions in our economy, including Federal Reserve Bank, commercial banks, thrifts, insurance companies, pension funds, venture capital firms, and brokerage firms.